
Pro Bono Application

The Kipos Group will be offering limited Pro Bono services in response to the shift in U.S. government funding stream for nonprofits.
Our desire is to help vulnerable populations first, and the nonprofits who serve them second.

As such we have certain requirement for these services

  1. The CEO/ED needs to be part of the conversation
  2. The board needs to be engaged
  3. You have to be willing to act and implement our recommendations fast

We are all busy, so we've kept this form brief:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our staff will review each application to ensure it fits our parameters of being affected by the Executive Orders and that the organization serves vulnerable populations.

For each application that passes this review, we will put them into an eligibility pool and pick the two winners at random.

Our pro-bono services will last for 30 days and will be designed to help you with a strategy for responding to the current conditions.
